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The EPIC model of emergent strings or scripts of consciousness works because it uses a new form of mathematics to solve the non-linear dynamic equations of 10 psychological functions of consciousness that are supported by underlying neural assemblies of the brain. It begins with geometrical shapes of physical hexagon tiles found on bathroom floors and hotel lobbies. It recognizes that a continuous gapless tile media would be perfect for counting any number of things including neurons without leaving gaps. It recognizes that the brain and its mind (or mind and its brain) is analogous to an analog computer not a digital computer. It recognizes that 10 functions of consciousness in ten hexagon shaped containers would be handy because the point in the center of hexagon unit volume (HUV) could be mapped onto the decimal number systems operation of division.  

So what good is that?  Well if we use the special class of odd numbers (1,3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13..) and select only the prime numbers, then we are guaranteed that fractions of a line or interval will be represented by a long string of numbers that never ends. This is a principle of modern day encryption. We want to use the prime number string as an analog computer to solve the equation of how many functions can cooperate together at any "point" on the line, or neural region of the Global Workspace. The paper attached shows how we creep up to solve the problem with the EPIC string theory of consciousness. First, prime number 11 provides the analog computer simulation for 2 related functions, second prime number 37 is the analog computer simulation for 3 related functions, and finally we stop at prime number 101 because this is the first case where 4 and only 4 functions are repeated over and over in the long string. But more important than merely four functions is the fact that Attention is always one of the 4 related functions and it is represented by decimal number 0 which is a special number. 

This is the insight. A simple reliable mind-brain-neuron system can easily emerge out of chaos based on analog computer simulation via prime number generated strings. When I first mentioned the power of hexagon geometry to neuroscientist Walter Freeman at a conference in 1990 he was not surprised and commented that neuroscientist William Calvin assumed hexagon geometry was the underlying design principle for memory in the brain. A few years later it was demonstrated that the hexagon shaped memory patterns were measured in the brains of pampered rats who willingly rans mazes for rewards.

This is why the EPIC string theory of consciousness will most likely be accepted as the design principle for working memory in the Global Workspace Theory of Mind and Brain. Meanwhile it is predicting interesting things that have been discovered by empirical fMRI research and by empirical FFM trait research. As such it claims to be a scientific theory of consciousness that has the potential of being falsified - but so far it been verified. This is very good news for a science of human consciousness and human personality.